Version française ci-dessous – English version dow Encuentro del ECLDF en Madrid: un espacio de trabajo, oración y comunión. Del 5 al 9 de diciembre, los miembros del Consejo Europeo de las Fraternidades Laicales Dominicanas (sus siglas en...
Dominicos desde Barcelona English version down – Version française ci-dessous ORIGINAL IN SPANISH Agradecemos a la Fraternidad de Barcelona (Provincia de Hispania) su colaboración en respuesta a la invitación que lanzamos para celebrar el mes de la...
Versión española abajo – Version française ci-dessous The ECLDF met in Santa Sabina, Rome, from 19-21 May in order to continue coordinating the decisions of the Vilnius Assembly and to propose new ways of meeting and fraternity among the Lay...
Traduction françaiseDownload Traducción EspañolaDownload Greetings in our Lord and saviour Jesus Christ, we pray this communication finds you well. The Convent of St Philip and St Jacob the Apostles, Vilnius, Lithuania, was the venue for the first...
In October Duncan MacLaren, Lay member of the International Dominican Justice and Peace Commission (IDJPC) attended the annual meeting of this commission. Of course was this a virtual meeting because of the pandemic.
Versión en español a continuación The last Provincial Council of the Lay Fraternities of Santo Domingo of the Province of Hispania took place on February 15 at the Convent of Atocha in Madrid, where he was invited by the Provincial President José...
French version, Spanish version & Video below. The European Council of Lay Dominican Fraternities (ECLDF) met from 24 to 31 July at the Convent of St. Catherine of Alexandria in Split (Croatia). Croatia was chosen because of our desire to make...