Pier Giorgio Frassati, OP

La canonización de nuestro hermano Pier Giorgio Frassati el próximo verano de 2025 será un acontecimiento que no podremos dejar pasar si celebrarlo. Por eso, entre todos, crearemos esta web con noticias y eventos en torno a su persona y su canonización.

Carta del Maestro de la Orden sobre la Canonización de Pier Giorgio Frassati.

La canonisation de notre frère Pier Giorgio Frassati l’été prochain en 2025 sera un événement que nous ne pourrons pas laisser passer sans le célébrer. C’est pourquoi, ensemble, nous créerons ce site web avec des nouvelles et des événements autour de sa vie et de sa canonisation.

Lettre du Maître de l’Ordre sur la canonisation de Pier Giorgio Frassati.

The canonisation of our brother Pier Giorgio Frassati next summer in 2025 will be an event we cannot let pass without celebrating. Therefore, together, we will create this website with news and events around his life and his canonisation.

Letter of the Master of the Order on the Canonisation of Pier Giorgio Frassati.
  • 22nd February, MUSICAL EVENT: Oratorio – Litany to Blessed Pier Giorgio Frassati composed by a Polish musician (the first performance in Poland). In the Dominican Church of Poznań – Poland. Fraternity of Blessed Pier Giorgio Frassati. For more information, click here.
  • 5th March, Blessed Pier Giorgio Frassati Youth and Family Awards: Launch of the 70-Day Catholic Family Challenge in Honour of Pier Giorgio Frassati. Inspired by Frassati’s exemplary life, the challenge offers activities tailored to three age groups: young children will take part in a colouring competition, children aged 8 to 13 will write a family essay on the lives of saints, and teenagers aged 14 to 17 will complete an online course and a written reflection. For more information and registration, please contact here.
  • From 28th July to 3rd August, PRAYER: Canonisation of Blessed Pier Giorgio Frassati. In-person and online prayer at the Basilica of Santa Maria sopra Minerva, Rome – Italy. European Council of Lay Dominican Fraternities.