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When God transfigures our lives

Reflection for the second Sunday of Lent 2021

There are those moments, when I feel frozen. Not able to move. My mouth half open and my eyes big as the moon. Moments when time seems to stop, but that go away way too fast. Some may think I write about bad things happening, that it is fear or shock. But, no. These stunning moments, overwhelming my whole self are wonderful, beautiful, stunning. They appear from time to time and let me realize the deeper beauty of this life, our creation and the love of God. Personally in so many moments: during a youth gathering for my teens, where I felt a deep sensation of community and the presence of the Lord; during holidays, when I discovered the inherent beauty of foreign cultures and people; and also in some small everyday moments, when gratitude and thankfulness overcome me.

Walking with Jesus in the desert

Walking with Jesus in the desert, a testimony of sorts

Reflection for the first Sunday of Lent 2021

It can stop now, I can see where I can go, freedom, I can do whatever I want, no more being on my best behaviour, no more forgiving those who cross me, no more mister nice guy, I’ll get even with him, by its very nature temptation is attractive. Temptation doesn’t have to be just about the short cut to that shiny new car, it is often less obvious and more cunning than that. Taking the short cut with people can be tempting too, walking to the other side of the street to avoid someone, not answering that phone call, making excuses, “it is harder to love than to hate” they say, sometimes for sure it is hard to love. The saying “I can resist everything except temptation” such a phrase, it rolls off the tongue with ease and can be seen as an endearing, macho, bad boy statement. But when you look further into it what is it really saying, is it giving us a consent to do something we shouldn’t, making it seem alright in our head.

Lent 2021

Lent 2021

O God, our Creator, Redeemer Paraclete, in prayer we lift our praise, our blessing, our preaching.

And this opens our Jubilee prayer, as a Dominican this first and opening line lifts our heart, our gaze, our life, our soul and our very being to God the very source, purpose, and destination of our existence. As we begin this season of preparedness let us unite at the table of Saint Dominic and recommit ourselves to the service of our Saviour under the cappa of Saint Dominic, to praise, to bless and to preach.

We hope that this message finds you well, we know many of us have and are suffering. Our sincerest and heartfelt love goes to all who have been ill or who have lost loved ones in these horrible times. We pray this lent maybe be used as a plea to our Lord to send His Spirit and give us deliverance from Covid 19. For too long now this pestilence has clouded us, has indeed locked many of us from the joy of receiving the very gift of Himself that our Saviour, in His benevolence has bestowed upon us. We like many of you look forward to perhaps later in the year being able to move a bit more freely but more importantly returning to the sacraments.


Bars on the window, but an open heart

After the American prison in Norfolk, a Belgian prison also has a Dominican lay fraternity, supported by Lay Dominican Ludovic Namurois, Provincial President.

Working on the periphery is characteristic of Dominican spirituality, for example with students or inmates. «Without setting plans or goals, we are simply present. I call that a pastoral ministry of availability. If something emerges, we’ll see”, Ludovic says. It all started with a small prayer group led by Mr Albert Rondelet, op and Friar Patrick Gillard, op who are chaplains in the penitentiary in Ittre, 30 kilometres south of Brussels. The discussions with the inmates have showed that they receive a lot of support from their prayers. Some expressed their desire to learn more about prayer and about Dominican spirituality. Ludovic continues:

«When visiting the inmates, I was impressed by the quality of their prayer life, their hunger for connection with others, inside and outside the walls, and for something that transcends them.»

During an initial period of acquaintance a number of prisoners received a Christian and Dominican formation. They learned to celebrate Vespers and were in touch with the lay fraternity in Norfolk. Together with Albert Rondelet and Patrick Gillard, Ludovic guided the group. The Order’s previous Master, Bruno Cadoré, encouraged Gillard and Ludovic to work on what could potentially become the second Dominican fraternity of prisoners in the world.

In October 2018, ten prisoners and the lay chaplain made their temporary profession. At the end of this year, they may renew it or make it final. Since November 2019, the group has been officially a lay fraternity.

Original text: Kerk en Leven

Stained Glass Window Nativity Scene

Christmas Message from ECLDF, 2020

Dear brothers and sisters in St. Dominic

May God our Father give you Grace and Peace.  cf-1Cor

As you know we leave behind us a Liturgical year that has been challanging and frought with sadness and pain, loss and suffering, but we look forward, we move forward with hope and joy as we enter the beautiful season of Advent … Veni veni Emmanuel…
