Versión española abajo – Version française ci-dessous
Dear brothers and sisters:
It is always a joy to be able to get in touch with all of you!
On this occasion I would like to propose an idea to you. August is the month of the Guzmán y Aza family: August 2nd is the feast day of our grandmother Blessed Juana de Aza; August 8th is the feast day of our father St. Dominic; and August 18th is the feast day of our uncle Blessed Manés. What do you think if we organise a feast for them?
We’ll tell you about it!
The aim we want to achieve is to feel united in celebratory prayer. Therefore, each Fraternity, freely and voluntarily, can send me (ECLDF Communication Officer, some photos or a video (5 minutes maximum) and a short report (300 words maximum) of the celebration; also, do not forget in the report (or in the video if you dare) to say which Fraternity you are, the locality, the Dominican Province and the country! What do you think?
Also, although we don’t need to remind you, we are in the Jubilee of St. Thomas Aquinas. So, you can send me any other information (together with photos and/or videos) that you do on the occasion of the Jubilee: formation, pilgrimages, celebrations… anything that you think would be good for us all to know.
Please pass this information on to all the Fraternities in your Province and if you have any questions, I am at your disposal by e-mail at
I send you a strong and fraternal embrace.
United in prayer!