
MO Christmas Message 2020

Christmas Message from the Master of the Order, 2020

Rome, 20 December 2020Prot. 50/20/614 Letters to the Order What was from the beginning, what we have heard, what we have seen with our eyes… and touched with our hand concerns the Word of life…made visible;  Him we preach…so that our...

Dominican Month for Peace 2020

Dominican Month of Peace, 2020

from 29 November to 1 January 2021 The annual Dominican Month of Peace highlights peace-building projects which the Dominican Family has set up in a chosen country. After having organised solidarity events throughout the world in favour of Colombia...

Snapshots from the annual meeting IDJPC

In October Duncan MacLaren, Lay member of the International Dominican Justice and Peace Commission (IDJPC) attended the annual meeting of this commission. Of course was this a virtual meeting because of the pandemic.

Logo Month for Peace

Results of the Dominican Months for Peace

In 2018 and 2019 the Dominican family supported projects in the Democratic Republic of Congo and in India during the period of the Advent. A report of the results from the International Dominican Commission for Justice and Peace (IDCJP).

A CALL: 5th anniversary of Laudato Si’

Between the 18th and 24th May the Lay Dominican representatives on the International Dominican Commission for Justice and Peace (IDCJP) call on all Lay Dominicans to celebrate the 5th anniversary of Laudato Si’ on the climate change challenge...

New General Promoter for Laity

The Master of Order, Fray Gerard TIMONER III, has appointed Fray Juan Ubaldo López Salamanca, as General Promoter of the Laity. He is the son of the Province of San Luis Bertrán of Colombia and succeeds Fray Rui Carlos Antunes & Almeida Lopes...

ECLDF meeting in Croatia (2019)

ECLDF meeting 2019 in Croatia

French version, Spanish version & Video below. The European Council of Lay Dominican Fraternities (ECLDF) met from 24 to 31 July at the Convent of St. Catherine of Alexandria in Split (Croatia). Croatia was chosen because of our desire to make...