Are you a Lay Dominican?
On this website we shares as Lay Dominicans our preaching experiences. The anecdotes reflect the unexpected ways in which we find opportunities of participating in the Order’s preaching mission: chance meetings, a word spoken at the right moment, an encounter with a friend or a stranger that in some way touched their lives.
We would be happy if you would send your contribution too for consideration. The name of the writer will be changed to protect privacy. The Province/Vicariate and country will be identified. Send your short article including an illustration in English to the webmaster. We look forward to your contribution!

Are you interested in the Lay Dominican life?
We would be happy to tell you more about Dominicans and the way of living in your particular country. If you want to contact a Lay Dominican in your country, please send us your request.
There’s also a lot of information available on the Internet. You can start on this webisite of the ECLDF, where you will find resources, country information, links and latest news.
Welcome to the Lay Dominican Fraternities!