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- 🇫🇷 Télécharger la lettre d’information en français
- 🇬🇧 Registration form – Form. d’enregistrement – Form. de inscripción
- 🇬🇧 Letter of authorisation (for delegate with voting rights)
- 🇬🇧 Letter of authorisation (for delegate without voting rights)
15th April, 2022
Dear brothers and sisters in St Dominic,
You will hopefully have received our letter of 23rd February last, informing you of the convocation of the 11th European Assembly of Lay Dominican Fraternities, which will take place from 12th to 17th August 2022 in Vilnius, Lithuania, the theme of our Assembly is Europe – Land of Missions. The guest speaker for the Assembly is fr Thomas Eggensperger.
Below you will see a brief outline of the programme for the Assembly,
- 12th August : Arrival of Delegates
- 13th August : Welcome and opening Mass
- 14th August : Plenary sessions, workshops
- 15th August : Plenary session, nomination/introduction to ECLDF candidates, sightseeing trip
- 16th August : Plenary session, tractatus, election, new and old council meeting
- 17th August : Closing Mass, blessing and farewell
A full programme will issue to delegates prior to the Assembly.
As you know delegates must be professed lay Dominicans. They are required to have a Letter of Authorisation from their lay Dominican Provincial/Vicarial Council testifying that they have been chosen to represent their Province, Vicariate or country. A template letter of authorisation is attached for your convenience. The letter should be emailed to before the assembly.
Please also find attached a link to the registration form, which should be completed as soon as possible but certainly before May 31st next. The participation fee which includes accommodation, meals and overall expenses is €400.
Bank details:
Account owner : European Council of Lay Dominican Fraternities
IBAN: DE32370601936004194010
A Province or Vicariate having no lay Dominican Provincial/Vicarial council may send a representative to the Assembly, although this representative will not have voting rights.
In accordance with the Statutes of the European Council of Lay Dominican Fraternities, every Province or Vicariate is invited to send two delegates to the Assembly as well as the Provincial/Vicarial Promoter for Dominican laity. Provinces or Vicariates with 500 or more professed lay Dominican members, or 30 or more fraternities, may send an additional delegate. Provinces and Vicariates consisting of more than one country in which there are fraternities may send an additional delegate from each country.
According to the Statutes, only one delegate per Province or Vicariate is entitled to vote at the Assembly. The electoral body is composed of (a) the delegates mandated to vote by their Province or Vicariate and (b) members of the current European Council. The letter of authorisation must specify that the appointed delegate has been mandated to vote by his/her Province or Vicariate. Otherwise the delegate cannot vote at the Assembly. Delegates spouses are very welcome, the cost for a spouse will be the same as for a delegate. As you are aware we had to take the unfortunate step of postponing the assembly last year due to the pandemic. In order to try to keep everyone safe from Covid-19, protocols will be strictly adhered to during the assembly.
During the Assembly, a new five-member European Council of Lay Dominican Fraternities will be elected, as well as a European representative to the International Council of Lay Dominican Fraternities. Those elected may be any finally professed Lay Dominicans who are members of a European Lay Dominican fraternity. They may be chosen among the delegates and the Assembly participants or among those put forward by their Province or Vicariate at home. In view of this, Provinces and Vicariates are advised to check whether the delegates sent to the Assembly have the relevant skills and availability for working on the European Council, and whether there are any members at home that may be suitable. ECLDF and ICLDF members should have adequate speaking and writing skills in English, which has always been the working language of both Councils. During the Assembly, time will also be allowed for discussion of any proposals or motions submitted by Provinces and Vicariates or submitted by the European Council.
Any proposals or motions should be sent to in advance and certsainly before 31st July, 2022.
looking forward to hearing from you. In St. Dominic and St. Catherine of Siena,
your Council members, Vilija, Damien, Felix, Ludovic, Maro and Gabriel (ICLDF)

President – European Council of Lay Dominican Fraternities
The postal address of ECLDF is:
Damien McDonnell OP
Birchwood Lodge,
Co Carlow,
Tel; +353 877715593
No need to discuss yet, only looking forward to eet wonderful lay sisters and brothers from all Europe,
as the broader view than just the activities of the own group and province will be inspiring.