In 2018 and 2019 the Dominican family supported projects in the Democratic Republic of Congo and in India during the period of the Advent. A report of the results from the International Dominican Commission for Justice and Peace (IDCJP).

For decades the Democratic Republic of Congo has been the scene of devastating wars with massacres and human rights violations perpetrated by government forces and numerous armed groups that, together with many foreign powers and companies, are scrambling to extract the country’s rich natural resources. Here the Civic Education Program of the University of Uélé was supported. This project aims to help the inhabitants of the Uélé region to know, promote and defend their fundamental rights and freedoms, long ignored and flouted after decades of dictatorship followed by abusive “wars of liberation” in the country.
Read about the results: about the renovation of the building, training equipement and the library.

In India the Dominican family supported two projects:
- The Dominican Project Bloom for street children in Nagpur; and
- The Dominican Family Safe Childhood Project to train trainers to address child sexual abuse.
These projects aim to reduce and eradicate violence, deprivation and abuse experienced by children, women and indigenous communities in the country. Unfortunately, the situation of these groups remains unchanged in India, but so also does the resolve of the Dominican Family in India to fight to protect their rights. And that stimulates the progress of the two projects!
Read about the results: about the training of volunteers, the National Girl Child Day, International Women’s Day and various other activities.
Let us keep on praying for the Dominican sisters, friars and laity in these countries!
Dominican Month of Peace 2020 will focus on the Ukraine.
More information will be published on this website in September!